Sunday, May 1, 2011


We decided to swim again on Halloween and didn't have very crazy costumes, but we did have a ton of fun.


Bode knew Russ as Russ for the first eight years. On July 23, 2010 he was finally introduced as "dad". Since then the relationship has grown and become what a father and son's relationship should.

For the first few years of Bode's life we didn't get to spend very much time together. These pictures and videos are from a trip when Bode was three years old. They represent Russ's favorite day ever.

Bode laughed more than anyone should in a day. We played at the kid's museum and then spent some time in the park. We only had six hours together but they made quite the impression.

Sometimes Bode was a little confused and crazy, but then again so was Russ.

Our time together

This blog is to document and share the time Bode and Russ have had together. We will update when possible and would love any comments you might have.